Assyria was an ancient Mesopotamian civilization that preserved through more than 3,000 years of history, leaving an important cultural impact on the world. The historical civilization was multilingual, speaking Sumerian, Akkadian, and Aramaic. Of course, most of the languages spoken 3,000 years ago have now been lost to the world, so it may surprise you to learn that Aramaic still exists today—albeit in a different form from that spoken in Mesopotamia.
Today, Aramaic lives in in the form of Assyrian Neo-Aramaic, a collection of related languages descended from the Aramaic once spoken in Assyria. It’s spoken by a people who still call themselves Assyrians, carrying the legacy of the legendary civilization. However, today, the Assyrians are a stateless people, living in various countries—notably Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Iran, the United States, Sweden, Germany, and Jordan. As Assyrian children learn the majority languages in the country they reside in, their acquisition of their native Neo-Aramaic wanes, putting this precious language at risk of endangerment. At, we’re proud to present our Assyrian Neo-Aramaic translation services in an attempt to reverse the trend.
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Learn about the legacy of Assyrian Neo-Aramaic.
Syria and Iraq account for the majority of modern-day Neo-Aramaic speakers, but the figures have shrunk dramatically and the global Assyrian diaspora grown significantly since the Iraq War and Syrian Civil War, as Assyrians accounted for a significant portion of the refugees out of the region. Assyrian Neo-Aramaic, which comes in two main forms—Suret and Turoyo—is a Semitic language related to Arabic and Hebrew, and to the untrained eye, it may appear to use the Arabic script—but it’s actually written in the indigenous Syriac script.
Despite its Semitic roots, Assyrian Neo-Aramaic has been heavily influenced by Indo–European Persian and Kurdish, with which it has sustained long-term contact. Verbs are marked for person and number, and possession is marked directly on nouns via suffixes. The language doesn’t feature a definite article per se but can mark definiteness on direct objects. One of the most complicated aspects of Assyrian Neo-Aramaic is the triconsonantal verb system, the hallmark of Semitic languages, wherein roots consist of three consonants that are modified through the addition of vowels to produce different tenses, aspects, and moods.
Let us handle your Assyrian Neo-Aramaic translation needs.
Not many languages have as rich a history as Assyrian Neo-Aramaic, so it’s no wonder our Neo-Aramaic translators are so proud of their native language. They’re also passionate about helping to preserve it as it faces the threat of endangerment. So, whether you want translation to or from Assyrian Neo-Aramaic, we’re here to provide it.
Whether you have contemporary or historical documents in this proud Semitic language that you’d like translated into English, turn to our Neo-Aramaic translation team. Whether it’s business documents, government papers, prized literature and poetry, or anything else, we’ll help you share it with others around the world.
You may also be interested in translation services into Assyrian Neo-Aramaic, which is a crucial way to ensure the continued survival of this important language. If you’re a business in an area with an Assyrian community, why not cater to them in their own language? We can also help you produce pedagogical materials in Neo-Aramaic to ensure native-speaking children can learn in the language, as well as books, websites, apps, games, and poems to promote more Neo-Aramaic resources for speakers and learners.
Why wait to get started with your Assyrian Neo-Aramaic translation services? Contact us today!