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Our Newest Offering Is Limba Translation Services

Boasting more than 2000 indigenous languages, Africa is incredibly linguistically diverse, with nearly every country across the expansive continent housing dozens—sometimes even hundreds—of vigorously spoken languages. The thousands of languages in Africa come largely from just a handful of language families—Niger–Congo, Nilo–Saharan, Afroasiatic, and Khoisan—with Niger–Congo accounting for the majority. Within the family are dozens of disparate branches, the best-known being Bantu, which dominates most of southern Africa, but across West Africa, Niger–Congo languages exhibit considerable diversity, with many subfamilies encompassing a diverse array of languages. Perhaps one of the most unique languages in the family is Limba.

Limba is a unique Niger–Congo language spoken in Sierra Leone and Guinea by around 450,000 people. What makes the language so noteworthy is that it occupies its own, dedicated branch within the expansive Niger–Congo family, with linguists unable to establish a meaningful relationship with the hundreds of other languages in the massive family. Limba isn’t the biggest native language in Sierra Leone or Guinea—that honor is taken by Temne and Fula, respectively—but Limba remains an important language in both West African countries. That’s why we’ve dedicated ourselves to building a professional Limba translation team, in contrast to most other translation companies.

Would you like to see a free quote for our Limba translation services? Just request one, and we’d be happy to oblige.

Limba: a unique language within the Niger–Congo family

While we believe all languages are important and unique in their own ways, languages like Limba that diverge significantly from even the languages closest to them carry a certain added level of intrigue. As a transnational language, Limba is divided into two key varieties: East Limba, spoken in Ouré-Kaba, Guinea, and West-Central Limba, spoken in Sierra Leone’s Bombali and Kambia districts. The two varieties demonstrate considerable differences.

Limba’s grammar is unique and sets it apart from the hundreds of other languages that make up the Niger–Congo language family (the largest language family in the world). The language features 17 noun classes, on par with the convoluted noun class system the Bantu languages are so notorious for. Limba noun classes are identified by the definite article that follows the noun, though some noun classes are additionally marked by a prefix. The classes are roughly organized by semantic meaning, but it’s a rough categorization indeed, with kaň (“sun”) and sapiri (“crowbar”) somehow finding themselves in the “person class.”

Translating to and from Limba is our pride and joy.

Limba is a beautiful and unique language—and it’s pretty complicated, too. That’s why you need to rely on experienced, native-speaking translators if you want a reliable Limba translation. We’ve searched all across Sierra Leone and Guinea to locate the best Limba translators in the industry and bring them to you. As native Limba speakers, our translators are bona fide experts in this unique tongue, and their passion for their work motivates them to craft the best translations they can, time and time again. This applies to both translations into Limba and translations from Limba, as we handle both.

Our flexibility doesn’t only apply to the translation direction but also the domain of translation. That’s right—whether you’re a business leader at a major corporation, the CEO of a non-profit organization, a field researcher, a passionate content creator, or a language activist, our Limba team is ready and eager to help you. With experts in business translation, literary translation, academic translation, localization, and more, we’ve positioned ourselves to help clients from Sierra Leone, Guinea, and the rest of the world translate just about any document to or from Limba, with reliable results that leave you impressed every time.

We’re eager to get started with your Limba translation project. Why not send us a message today with the details of what you need?

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Professional human translation for any language, any topic

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